Monday, November 22, 2010

never let your guard down

I realized that I have this curse of never being able to let my guard down, because the moment that happens... shit hits the ceiling...
I'm not just talking about my personal life but also my professional life... bah...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

no kids?

Watching Season 3 of Giuliana & Bill on telly yesterday evening, we saw that trying to conceive was really important for the both of them.

I was thinking to myself that maybe it's just not the right time for them, I mean, God does work in mysterious ways and if it's not happening, don't force it.

Then at one point, Giuliana cries as she speaks with the therapist, "It makes me wonder what did we do wrong? Why are we being punished?"

That's when the puppy (who was playing games on his iPhone) comments out loud "Why do you want babies to begin with?"

I'm speechless... and I don't know what to think now....

Monday, November 15, 2010

catch up

I just had a catch up meeting with my editor... apparently I rock in every department except writing.

Apparently my grammer sucks and my style is too corporate, so I'll need to change that.


Happy Monday everyone.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My new recyclable bag!!!

Working in media has got to have its own perks... I get quite a fair bit of stuff to try out and this is one of them!

I have one other recyclable bag which I got from a BMW launch (that was courtesy of the puppy though) and it's made of parachute material from Onya Bags and it's super convenient because it folds nicely and fits quite neatly into your palm.

But yeah, I've been trying to use my own shopping bags since about 2005 and to tell you the truth it's been really difficult at first. So I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that so many places now realize the importance of using recyclable shopping bags. If only they do it on a daily basis.

Anyways, enough about my bags and recycling efforts. Let's talk about envirosax!

It's a really compact foldable bag with cool designs. Plus it's lightweight, water proof and supposedly can hold the same weight as 2 regular plastic shopping bags.

Isn't it just super duper pretty??? :)

They have a huge range of designs for adults and even cute kiddie ones... check them out here. You know what the great part is? It costs only RM25.90 each! I mean think about it, if you use a plastic bag each Saturday you go shopping, it can max out to RM1 per trip.... and in less than half a year, not only do you hit the same amount but imagine the amount of plastic bags you would've used?

Can't wait to use this little baby! And yeah if you see some girl carrying this bag around, you'll know it's me!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Yes I know. I am so terrible at being Japanese sometimes!