Showing posts with label Anne Rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anne Rice. Show all posts

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Bergdorf Blondes vs p.s I Love You

Remember earlier when I wanted to reinject romance into my life and I bought Cecelia Ahern's p.s I Love You? (Wow somehow that reminds me of this book by Will Bullas that Andy got for me for Christmas one year).

Anyways, I didn't find that book that much of a tear jerker (Cecelia Ahern, not Will Bullas) as compared to others whom I know who have read the book. It was touching in the first two chapters but after that it got predictable for me so I just put it down. It's been sitting on my study table ever since.

Yesterday while I went to the mall to run a few errands, I saw the book - Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes.

Now, don't get me wrong but I love pretty looking books. You know how they say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover? I do that a lot. I have a weakness for hardcover books. I have a few copies of Anne Rice's books in hard cover and paperback - the hardcover is mostly for collection purposes but I have read ALL the Anne Rice books that I've bought.

Anyhoo, this book, is really girly and much easier reading for me. I've easily gone through five chapters today and I probably will finish the book before I sleep tonight AND have a great time. But it also depends cuz I am rather sleepy. Went out for drinks last night and there was a blackout in my area this morning for about 3 hours, as it it wasn't bad enough that I had a hangover, there was no fan or a/c at all... bleh....

Okey dokes, gotta go. Talk to you soon