Tuesday, January 15, 2008

car registrations

Okay so I know I'm not supposed to be doing this at work... I'm actually supposed to be preparing a press release but what the heck.

Today's random thought (oh well it was actually a few days ago, so sue me :P) is about car registration numbers. Since Perak's starts with the letter A... it made me think... what will happen when it finally reaches AS*. Will the government allow a registration ASS? Will they allow it? Or will they skip it?

I mean if you think about it, it doesn't necessarily mean the derrière (those who used to read Enid Blyton would probably remember the kids from Secret Seven or Famous Five calling each other asses)

Some more food for thought...

WTF, PIG, NUT, KID, JUG, BRA, POO, BUM, COW, LIE, SEX and the list goes on...

p/s : TL, the pandora's box is officially open hahaha cheers mate!

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