Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Review : New Year's Resolutions

One of my previous posts about New Years Resolutions.... I should've known better than to actually come up with a list.

It's been four months since I've made my list. Here's a review of my resolutions in RED

a) not to over eat
I have been over eating these last few weeks of 2008 and I really need to stop stuffing myself!
Well, not that I completely stopped stuffing myself, there is the occasional stuffing myself silly with food... but it's not AS often........... *shuffles feet around*

b) exercise
Make full use of the condo's swimming pool facilities. May it be half an hour or just 10 laps a day... it's still exercise.
This is non-existent. This will sound like an excuse, I know but it is partly because
a) I was quite busy during the first two months
b) I fell down and hurt my left leg in March so I didn't want to be swimming with open wounds/scabs
Will try to make it happen sometime this month....

c) less choccies
Had a eeeky dream last night that I had a massive pimple break out... I'm actually terrified!
This has happened. I've stopped snacking on choccies and sweets and what not AND have been drinking as much warm water (to cleanse my body) as possible. So far so good.

d) curb the green-eyed monster
This is still.... in the process......... but not to worry, green-eyed monster is on a leash. Let's just hope that the leash is strong enough :) But I'm quite sure that it is now.....

Oh well... 1 1/2 out of 4 isn't the best... but it's still better than nothing!

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