Tuesday, April 28, 2009

7 months

It's been seven months since Colin and I got together. Time does fly (yeah I do say that every anniversary hahaha)

You know what I love best about our relationship?

That I get to all these with him:
- live
- eat
- sleep
- watch tv/movies
- cook
- snore
- burp/fart (me/him)
- wake up

That I DON'T HAVE to do :
- rely on Windows Live or Skype to communicate (although that's what we did in the early stages of our relationship)
- send countless text messages and hang on the phone with him
- count the days and hours till I see him next
- not be able to see him everyday

It makes me even more thankful to know that I get to live with the love of my life, and it makes it all even more wonderful. I must say that sometimes, reading others love stories and all the things they have to do to keep their love alive (especially those in long distance relationships) warms my heart. But I am seriously thankful that I don't have to go through that sort of anxiety and frustration.
Many people think that we took things too fast. We got involved too soon. We introduced our parents (well just moms, really) too soon. We jumped into the relationship too soon. We moved in too soon. We got pets too soon.

Well, sometimes, yes, I do agree. Other times, I think - oh who cares. This is where our relationship is going to be heading anyways. I liken it to jumping into a cold shower. You know you like it, you know you want to and you know the sharp cold water will jolt you but hell, instead of going in bit by bit, why not just literally jump in and face it! It sure feels a shit load better ;)
Happy 7th month hun... <3

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