Kabuki stands for sing (歌), dance (舞), and skill (伎) which features the art of singing and dancing is known for its avant garde-ness and elaborate make up.
They featured 22 great authentic costumes worn by some of the greatest actors from the Meiji era (明治時代) to the Showa era (昭和時代).
Some names of these grand kimonos will be romanized as I have no frickin' idea on how to type it out.... I've done as much as I can so, if there's anyone who can help me, お願いしますよ!

Murasakihonjusu kusudamachirashishisyu keiseisake
紫本珠子 薬玉散し刺。。。 (this is as far as I can go :P)

Kurojusuji ryusyokkososhisyu kitsukehaori

Worn in the female role of 花子 (Hanako) in 京鹿子娘道成寺 (Kyokanoko Musume Dojoji)
Kurorinzuji shidarezakura ni odamakinui furisodekitsuke
I'm not even going to attempt this
Kurorinzuji shidarezakura ni odamakinui furisodekitsuke
I'm not even going to attempt this

Another one from 京鹿子娘道成寺 for 花子 's character worn by 6世尾上菊五郎 (Onoye Kikugoro the 6th)

Worn for the character 岩藤 (Iwafuji) in 加賀見山旧錦絵 (Kagamiyama kokyono nishikie) by 5世中村歌右衛門 (Nakamura Utaemon the 5th)
Kuromonrinzu fujishisyu uchikake

Last but not least - I call this Tiger Stripes :P
Worn in 天竺徳兵衛韓噺 (Tenjikutokubei ikoku banashi) for the character 天竺徳兵衛韓of (Tenjikutokubei)
Kinshikumotatewakunamishishyu yoten
Worn in 天竺徳兵衛韓噺 (Tenjikutokubei ikoku banashi) for the character 天竺徳兵衛韓of (Tenjikutokubei)
Kinshikumotatewakunamishishyu yoten