Tuesday, July 22, 2008

i love rainy nights

It's been raining quite a bit these days at nights and it makes sleeping such a wonderful experience. Snuggling under my blankie and on my oh-so-IKEA fluffy pillows, feeling warm as toast and with the sounds of raindrops pitter pattering on the roof above me.... I almost never want to wake up. Except for this morning, but mainly because I dreamt that I was battling zombies and my mom tried to feed me pasta as I was running away............

Anyways... as I was saying.... rainy nights turn into misty mornings and with my office near the mountain range, I am greeted by a curtain of heavy mist the moment I get on the highway. One day, it was SO misty... I thought my office building had vanished........

This is almost 2 miles from the exit and my office building is usually visible come rain or shine

This is like half a mile away and just a TEENSY WEENY bit of the ground floor of my office building was visible....

*sigh* and I thought the rain had come and washed my office building away......

Well one can only hope and wish that some dreams will come true hahaha

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