Monday, September 14, 2009

Melayu ke?

The puppy came to pick up his assignment from me the other day, so I went downstairs to pass it to him when he called.... the security guard was standing outside and I'm like 'Oh crap...' cuz well, you know... the whole office grapevine thing.... uber fast. I mean, I don't really mind it too much but sometimes things just go way outta hand.

I looked out... he had his whole 'I'm so cool' thing going on.... he had my aviator sunnies on(one of the many things of mine which he has claimed his), his cap and with one arm sticking out the window looking gangsta in the Volvo in the carp ark.... so I walked over and when he saw me, he gave me a really toothy cheesy smile.... yadda3x had a little convo with him there, passed him his assignment... kissed bye... and he went off.

The moment I walked back towards the building... the security guard gave me a 'Ah hah...' smile as if he knows my secret or something then he asked "Melayu ke?" Is he Malay?


"Bukan lah... dia Serani..."

No, he's Eurasian

"Oh tapi I tengok muka dia macam Melayu,"

Oh but then he looks like a Malay

This is like trying to defend your own name with ppl who have mistaken you for someone else on the phone insisting you ARE that person sorta nonsense..........

*sigh* Would I not know if that's not my name? Would I not know that he's NOT Malay?

Wtf is up with you people being so damned indignant?

Melayu ke? Yeah lah, you orang Melayu kadang kala sangat bodoh :P

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Mel said...
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