Friday, April 22, 2011

Eukanuba Launches Online Search for Extrodinary Dogs!

Now this is definitely a show I can watch!

Did you know that dogs can see in the dark, hear things from 420m away, run over 72/kmph, pull over eight times their own body weight?

Yup, dogs are indeed very extraordinary! (existing dog lovers - I'm sure you can attest to this.)

So, to celebrate this, Eukanuba is set to launch the global premiere of its TV series Eukanuba Extraordinary Dogs. Each episode will focus on fascinating aspects of the dog's life, exploring the wonderful world of man's best friend.

This show premieres on Saturday, April 23 (that's tomorrow) at 1.50pm on the National Geographic Channel (Astro Ch 553) and will run for 13 episodes, ending on July 16.

Plus, Eukanuba will launch its official facebook page on Monday, April 25 for dog lovers across Asia to share their stories about extraordinary dogs. Plus, they'll also host an online campaign to find their next extraordinary dog to star in an upcomingo Eukanuba campaign. How cool is that?

I wish my dogs were still alive though. I'd very much love to enter them for the campaign!

How extraordinary were they?

Well it's not like they jumped thru hoops of fire or became CIA agents. They were extraordinary because they were such unique characters. Plus they lived such long and healthy lives with us...

Both of them lived for a super long time - Ben for 15 and Bo for 17 human years (the average median of a dog's lifespan is about 10-13 years but of course this varies by breeds). That's pretty old for a dog!

They were extraordinary because they were my best friends :)

Have you got a pet story to share? Please do!

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