Wednesday, April 2, 2008

changing names part II

I was reading my morning paper during brekkie at the hotel today.... parents these days are radically changing names of their kids.... like shortening it... or adding an apostrophe... or spellling it phonetically... I'm telling you it's crazy!

It's like they're all becoming black rappers or something you know. Like from Cameron to Cam'ron, Anne to An... the list goes on.

But you know what hits the most? This kid... no wait, his parents.... were really estatic to see an ultrasound of their baby for the first time realized that they were really have a kid for real... which is of course great.... they decided to name the kid 4Real with the argument that if there are names with numbers at the end (like John Smith III), why can't a name start with a number instead. So of course the authorities rejected it with the reason that there's a ruling that states that a name CANNOT start with a number, the parents had no choice but to revert to their second choice - Superman.

Superman. Wow.... Superman Smith.... HAHAHAHA can you imagine what his siblings names could be? Spiderman, Wonderwoman, Supergirl, Cyclops.... OH MY DEAR LORDY! Apparently now the parents are considering taking legal action to the authorities to reverse that ruling.

Which reminds me, I was out with a friend the other night and we were talking about names and he wants to name his kid Shadow....

That I'm telling you... is bleeping laugh out loud.... Shadow.... might as well name a kid Plastic... or even better still Polymer, Polyvinyl, Polyethylene and Polymethyl :P


Mel said...

And I thought PINK was bad :P

the ~babygirl® said...

yeah... tell me about it!