Thursday, February 26, 2009

live bullets

I read this in the papers on Monday about the whole political thing in Perak and how the UMNO youths are really p.o-ed with Karpal for mentioning that he wants to sue the Sultan of Perak yadda3x

Apparently Karpal Singh received a handwritten warning letter in his mail box which was posted from Ipoh on Feb 12, 2009 with two live bullets in it saying "Cilaka, babi, anjing. Jgn main2 dengan Raja Melayu kalu tak syg anak bini jgn cr pasal nanti lu satu family gua bakar!!! Lu punya rumah semua gua tau!! Lu cabar Melayu mati lu satu Family!"
The note is uber laugh out loud if you ask me.

Firstly - WTF kinda letter is that? Dude... he's a lawyer... and a damn good one so do you think sending a letter like that would work? Plus, if you want to intimidate a damned good lawyer... write a better note. This clearly shows the lack of education and maturity of thoughts...

Secondly - How the hell did two live bullets in an envelope manage to be sent? And where'd they get two live bullets in the first place?

Thirdly - People should just take things more lightly... geez what's with everyone being so bloody uptight?

Anyhoo... read this today that's why I'm blogging about it...

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