Monday, October 26, 2009

The good and the bad

I'm bored at work, I will admit that. I'm reading stuff that I should be doing at my leisure time. But oh well, it's almost 5 anyways!

Anyhoo, was reading up on horoscopes and what's good and bad in each sign and this is what I found....

Scorpio (Men) - Deep, mysterious and irresistible.
The Bright Side
A little eye contact and suggestive touch, and you can live for days without nourishment.
That is pretty true... :)
Never a dull moment in bed or anywhere else.
Yeah, he's always got something interesting to share with me...
The Bad Side
Unrepentantly suspicious.
I have yet to see this part of him. Thank goodness!
All too frequent (and apparent) bouts of depression.
Yes. This is very true. He's got more bouts of depression than I've got. But I guess it's an artist/creative person thing.

Pisces (Women) - Lilting lovers of life.
The Good Side
Soft-focused lovers and nurturers who really care.
She'll find beauty in everything humanly possible.
The Bad Side
Defensive or passive-aggressive, whatever works.
Yes, whatever works.
Will stalk for details about anything remotely suspicious.
Oh yes, I've become quite the professional sleuth... not something I'm really proud of but heck, it saves me a bit of a heart and head ache many a times

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