Thursday, September 2, 2010

having kids

The puppy and I were discussing this article we read about spirituality and that how this guy theorized that having kids is just this way of the devil suckering us into getting more people into this world where all that happens is suffering, growing old and dying.
I do agree with the article at one point because, let's put it this way, we're not entirely enjoying ourselves in this world - we're always worrying and wondering what will happen, the responsibilities of bringing another life into this world
Then he said "You know, that is kinda true... why do people want kids anyways? To feed their egos! To take care of them! Because our forefathers had already done that and implanted that thought in our minds,"
Which then made me wonder... how much is he agree with the article?
From what he's been telling me, he comes off as completely agreeing with the article and saying that we should just be responsible humans and not bring anymore humans into this world to suffer.......
Happy Friday peeps... I'm working this weekend... bleh!

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