Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What I Want The Love Of My Life To Know

I came across this article today by Brianna Wiest that I felt really compelled to share with all of you, especially with our 6th anniversary coming up this weekend.

I won't say much, except that Brianna's managed to put my thoughts in words beautifully... except for #6 - I really don't get it haha 

1. When people talk about their partners and spouses (future and current) they usually want them to know that it’s forever, no matter what. I want you to know that I don’t care about forever. I want you for as long as I’m meant to have you. I will love you every moment I’m able to because I’ll never pretend I have forever to do so.

2. You won’t always come first, but that doesn’t mean you’re not the most important person in my life. Real love isn’t about dropping everything in pursuit of one another, it’s about wanting to pay the bills and keep food on the table and save for the future and maintain your sanity so you can be wholly yourself. You don’t deserve less than that.

3. There’s really only one thing that matters, and it’s that every day we make the conscious choice to love each other. You teach me how to love you and I will teach you how to love me. That’s not a one-conversation-and-done kind of thing. That’s a conscious, daily effort. It’s tiny and it’s huge. It’s talking and showing and teaching through even the simplest daily tasks. The choice, of course, is being aware enough to allow yourself to be told and shown and taught.

4. I have no expectations. Even just promising to love somebody unconditionally is an expectation – you’re saying you only want their love if it doesn’t hinge on anything. That’s an extreme example, but you get the point. Unattached love is the most sincere kind. The rest is pushing someone into an idea of what you need.

5. I don’t want to be your entire life. I want to hang out with my friends. I want alone time. I want to go on trips and start projects and take long walks without having to report where I am. I want the same for you. I want us to maintain our lives outside one another; a successful merging of them isn’t infiltrating each moment, it’s coexisting as one. (People are quick to confuse attachment for codependence.)

6. Hanger is real.

7. I will not always look the way I look now. I will not always be taut and young and soft and pretty – and neither will you. I want to have kids and eat good food. I want someone who won’t look at me after my third delivery when I’m plump and swollen and say, “You’re so skinny, what are you talking about?” I want someone who will say, “You’re plump and swollen and who gives a shit? Your body does more than just look good. It holds the person I love.”

8. Communication is sexy. Talking things out isn’t just what it takes to be healthy, it’s how you fall in love with someone completely. It’s how you keep growing parallel to one another through the years. It’s verbal and it’s not. It’s sexual and physical and hinted and directly stated. Everything in life is one grand communicative gesture, and the goal is to get to the point of responding to the things that go unsaid.

9. You don’t have to like every part of me to still love who I am. (You also don’t have to change any given part of me to make me more of who you’d prefer.) There’s an art to accepting that which is true on the surface to become closer to that which is true at the core. Habits and mannerisms and interests change, but the essence of somebody does not. The people who have the most profound relationships are the ones who connect at that level, and then start to realize that everything else is malleable. The people who have the most profound relationships that last realize nobody can change a person but themselves.

10. I really hope we can do dumb stuff like lay in bed for an entire Sunday and order in and ignore everybody else.

11. We don’t go to bed, walk out, leave for a trip or go home angry. You don’t know when someone won’t wake up or be able to walk back in or come back from a trip or return to make amends over something stupid. Do not forget the impermanence of all this. It keeps you present and centered and just a little more rational. (It places what matters into a very different context.)

12. Thank you. Thank you for letting me spend a day with you. For sharing your life with me. For holding my hand. For listening to the crappy parts even when they aren’t as fun as the happy ones are. For knowing me and still wanting me. For being honest when you don’t. For helping me in whatever ways you were meant to. For letting me help you in return.

13. Once in a while, you’re going to get written about in an anonymous, vaguely passive aggressive way. (Sorry.) Also, you’re going to be written about in general. (Not sorry.)

14. You can tell whether or not somebody loves you by two things: the way they glance at you when you’re talking and they think you’re distracted by your own thoughts and the way they touch you in a non-sexual way. Never underestimate the tiny gestures. Never over-estimate your ability to convince somebody that you love them when you don’t. Never rely solely on stating that you love me, it’s meaningless until you wouldn’t need to say it for me to still know.

15. The most intimate thing I could possibly do is read you my favorite passages from my favorite book. (That’s it.)

16. Even the smallest parts of you are magic to me. The way you brush your hair and sigh in your sleep, and the ways your forehead scrunches when you’re thinking really hard about an answer. The wildest thing about love is how little it changes from your kindergarten crush. I hope I’m always a little nervous, even though there’s nobody I’m more comfortable with. I hope the things I love most are always how you laugh at me and when you do things that make me believe you see magic in my little things too

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


You gotta admit, you like people who can pull off a pretty good impersonation... but it's quite a different ball game when you can do 29 in a row!

Check this guy out :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Far Away

I used to love this band when I was in college. These were the good old days of OAG, Poetic Ammo, Too Phat, Nice Stupid Playground, Tempered Mental, Jason Lo, Innuendo and the list goes on.

Just had an urge to listen to it today, brings back great memories.

John's Mistress - if you're reading... thank you for the music :)

p/s: lyrics were typed out as the song went out so I'm not sure how accurate they are :P

John's Mistress - Faraway
Bluer skies never die
Things will never be the same
Time flies by, so fast
Soon winds always change

Who are those, who said
Life is just a game?
Sand blew blows, water flows
But I can't take it any more

Where do we go, from here?
Cuz I've been sleeping for so long
Where do we go, from now?
Do we have to stay this way?

Darker skies, never fall
Life will never stay the same
Everyone seems to know
How to put the blame on them

Where do we go, from here?
Cuz I've been sleeping for so long
Where do go, from now?
Do we have to stay this way?

You can't feel my pain
You can't feel my soul

Who are those who said
Life is just a game
Sand blew blows, water flows
But I can't take it any more

Where do we go, from here?
Cuz I've been sleeping for so long
Where do go, from now?
Do we have to stay this way?

Never go.... far away.... 
Never go.... far away....
Never go.... far away....
Never go.... far away....
Never go.... far away....

Oh and there's a pretty good acoustic version here!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sound of the drums

Sound Of The Drums
(feat. Laura Jansen)

My heart is a beating drum
Moves mountains it’s so strong
My love is a silent song
Everybody moves
Everybody moves

And I wait all day, I won’t give up
’till the sound of the drums bring you back to love
And I wait all day, I won’t give up

Back to love
Back to love

And I wait all day, I won’t give up
’till the sound of the drums bring you back to love
And I wait all day, I won’t give up

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nothing comes easy

I came across this video documentary - A Year with Armin van Buuren where cameras follow him for a full year (Nov 2010 - 2011) it shows you what it's like to be him.

Watching it really  makes me realize a couple of things
1. He's really just one of us - goofy with major OCD issues :P
2. The saying 'love what you do and you'll never have to work for the rest of your life' is pretty much true in his case. So when you find what you love. Stick to it.
3. I admire his strength, passion, positivity and humbleness.
4. He works really damn hard (which is what inspired the blog title).

Hit play to get a glimpse of what his life is like.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Do I or don't I?

This has been on my mind for a while now - the whole wedding/getting married thing.

It's pretty confusing because growing up, all I did was plan for the perfect wedding. 

Like the typical girl, I had themes, locations, colors, dresses, flowers, songs, who my bridesmaids and maid of honor would be... I even had a guest list written out which I saved in as a draft in gmail that I updated periodically.

That was me all the way up till the last break up. My boyfriend of eight years finally mentioned to me that he never thought of us getting married

Spending a lifetime together, yes. Married, no.

Being the traditional girly kind of girl, I thought that was absurd. I mean, why would any one spend SO much time together and not want to be together?

Yes I know, we should've discussed stuff like this earlier but it just seemed that it would be the next natural step for us. I mean at one point when he was moving around for work, he bought a house which he said it's for us. Pointed out where I can plant strawberries and raspberries. Remodeled the kitchen so that I'll have a joyful place to cook meals for our little family. Showed me this horse breeder dude who lived down the road and always had a horse or two in the yard (this was just in case I got bored while he was at work).

As I entered my next relationship, I was still that traditional girly kind of girl who wanted to walk down the aisle in a gorgeous white gown. I still wanted the whole dream. But I was scared. So I took things really slowly. 

I mean really slowly.

I used to freak out at everything. The little gestures he would make. Or the little gestures he wouldn't make. 

But as the years rolled by (we're coming to our sixth year now) I finally realized why the ex didn't want to get married and I agree with him now. Because marriage is just not  a priority. 

The pup and I have been living together for so long that we're pretty much like your average married couple - minus the signed paper, fancy rings and expensive celebration.

Maybe I've grown up. Maybe this relationship has opened my eyes. Whatever it is, while I am still a romantic inside, I've decided that I'm not going to give in to society pressure.  Yes you heard me. I'm not conforming!!!

1. Engagement ring - we all now know it's a scheme created by De Beers back in the late 30s. The whole point of getting one these days, is just to show off to your friends and family how "much" this guy loves you and how much he makes. Why not get a car? Or a house instead? You know what I mean? Plus, diamonds are pretty much worthless and they're a lot more common than you think. Don't believe me? Try reselling your engagement ring and see what you get.

Alternatively, you could just get one of those that look really real but are priced at only a fraction of the cost. Seriously, who's going to know? They just want to see that rock on your finger!

2. Getting legally married - this is what I call, signing the papers. I kinda don't really get the point now, especially for couples like the pup and myself. We live together. We do grocery shopping together. We cook and eat dinner together. We wake up on Saturdays and head out to our usual haunt for breakfast together. Apart from work and toilet time, we pretty much do everything together - like a married couple. So what difference does that piece of paper make? Does it mean that I love him more/less with that? The only reason I can agree with about signing the papers, are spousal benefits.

3. Getting married - this is the annoying part for me. The ceremony. Seriously, why would anyone spend so much money on such an elaborate party, only to later look back at photos and reminisce about how skinny or young we used to look. Don't we all do that with our photos now? Plus - being Asian, there's a whole lot more to do culturally which can seriously make you want to kill yourself, I kid you not.

4. Having kids - another thing I really don't understand. Why would anyone really want to give up their sleep? I assure you, I'm saying this from a neutral point of view. I love kids. I just don't want them for myself. I love playing with them, reading books to them and generally hanging around with them because I'm a big kid myself! I really just don't see why people want to get pregnant (fat and cranky, I might add), push something out of their vagina or have a hole cut in you to remove a baby, and then spend the rest of your life sleep deprived, constantly worried that something will happen to your child or fighting with an angsty kid... all for what? Because everyone's doing it? Because society says it's the right thing to do? Pah! There are plenty of kids out there who have no mommies and daddies - if you're so righteous, why don't you adopt them instead?

If doing all that really makes you happy, by all means go ahead. But please think about it and do it because you really want to, and not because it's the "next natural" thing to do.

With that said, I open the floor for discussion.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

This is not what I expected...

But then again to be fair, Armin van Buuren's music videos have never really been that all cool. His live performances are much better~

When he posted teasers about a Ping Pong video, I was crazy excited. But looking at the teaser... I'm torn between wanting to learn that dance... or cringing :P

Sorry Armin, but making music videos really isn't your forte!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sizzling hot Kylie!

I can't tell which is more sizzling... Kylie or that intricate lace dress!

Image taken from Vogue.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


This is one of those songs, that I never really paid attention to, until the chorus kicks in and I get in SUCH AN EMOTIONAL HIGH.

Originally a song by Bo Bruce (btw you should really check out who she is, I know I was amazed when I did!), this track was co-written with former The Voice UK mentor Danny O'Donoghue and titled - Alive. Now here's the part that I'm not really sure about - how Gareth Emery came into the picture and why was it changed to "U" ... seriously, I can't seem to find anything about it around!!!

Anyways, I hope you like this as much as I do

And here's the original !

Walking down the highway traffics coming my way
all I see are flashing lights
People wearing blue suits wanna know the real truth
how many did I have tonight?
Looking at the wreckage anyone would guess that all inside had died
But I'm alive

Wake up in a strange place angels over my head
one of them is shouting clear
1000 bolts of lightning bring me back to life
and it's a miracle that I'm still here
As I'm coming to life screaming out for you I need you by my side
Now I'm alive

No I didn't pray to God
No I never saw the light
No I didn't watch my life go flashing right before my eyes
No I didn't do the things that they all said that I would do
I just close my eyes and all I saw was you

All the things in my head everything left unsaid
I never got a second to say
Knew that I adored you the moment that I saw you
just terrified you'd push me away
Though we're dying slowly just want you to hold me what are we waiting for
We're alive

No I didn't pray to God
No I never saw the light
No I didn't watch my life go flashing right before my eyes
No I didn't do the things that they all said that I would do
I just close my eyes and all I saw was you

If I don't die lying in the rain and I live another day
then I'd run to you
Cos I don't have regrets just things I never say I need you

No I didn't pray to God
No I never saw the light
No I didn't watch my life go flashing right before my eyes
No I didn't do the things that they all said that I would do
I just close my eyes and all I saw was you

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This Is What It Feels Like

Okay this song... and Ping Pong are like my anthems at the moment. 

I love this rendition by John Ewbank & the Metropole Orkest along with the man himself, Armin van Buuren on The Voice of Holland.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Love them heels!

I just saw this pic of Alessandria here and I just had to share it

LOVE the plunging Sally LaPointe SS14 playsuit.

 And I super love these Impera laser-cut Christian Louboutin pumps

Ok I can die now.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Forever love

Another one I cannot stop listening to... is RAM & Susanna's RAMelia.

This track was written as a tribute to his wife who suddenly passed away. Susanna's vocals are hauntingly moving, making the song emotionally charged.

Here's the original video... fast forward to 2:20 for the emo part... seriously... every time I hear it, hot tears sting my eyes and I get major goosebumps because it brings back so many memories of people I have loved and lost

With a simple smile,
A gentle touch,
You gave us everything,
The warmth of your heart resounding from within…
It’s so hard to let go,
When you mean the world to me…
Yet the twinkles in your eyes keep shooting stars across the skies,
I’ll miss you, love,
And all your colors keep shining through the darkest day,
You’ll never fade away,
Never fade away…
Forever love…

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ping Pong

Okay... I liked the song before I went to ASOT650MY and I had it running on my playlist.

But ever since ASOT650MY, this song has been friggin stuck in my head!!! 

I can't stop it!!!




p/s: you'll understand why I'm going nuts over this if you watch the video.... or not :P

Video taken from ASOT650 in Utretch (I was too busy bopping around to take a video during the Kuala Lumpur gig)

Forgive me, my dear fans but I will be bombarding the blog with clips from Armin van Buuren :P

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My first...

Hahaha got you there a bit with the title, now didn't I?

Well it was my first music festival... or some would call it a rave. I don't care what you call it but I had a hella time there. Say what you want, the trancefamily is loving and caring no matter what they're there for.

Now that I've been to ASOT, my next target is AO!!!

Anyways, I just wanted to say Armin van Buuren was a god... a legend. I am SO in love with him right now. 

Armin if you're reading this... I'm sorry if I sound like a stalker hahaha but you were really that amazing. 

Thank you

 Seriously... how cute is he? 

I loved every moment he was on stage. 

Pix stolen from here because I was like...
Yeah okay here are my pix

Yeah that's the KittyKat and me before going in and bopping our heads off.

 I didn't realize that there was a barricade right there.... this is as far as we can go... the rest in front are the VIPs. Dammit... next time I'm going VIP all the way...

Anyways I say I don't have really good pix because of this control panel hut thingie on the right... they had a camera man sitting on the left most corner of it... and when it started to drizzle... he whipped out this huge ass brolly and left it there for the whole night.

All my pix have them >.<