Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!!

Happy New Year everybody!!!

Normally I don't do resolutions. They're never practical anyways... anyhoo, this year I've come up with a few - since I'm starting a lot of things anew, I thought what the heck, why not have a few resolutions while I'm at it.

The ~babygirl®'s new year resolutions are
a) not to over eat
I have been over eating these last few weeks of 2008 and I really need to stop stuffing myself!
b) exercise
Make full use of the condo's swimming pool facilities. May it be half an hour or just 10 laps a day... it's still exercise.
c) less choccies
Had a eeeky dream last night that I had a massive pimple break out... I'm actually terrified!
d) curb the green-eyed monster

At the moment these are the few ones I can think of... so let's see how long this lasts!

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