Tuesday, December 30, 2008

an epiphany

"We only see what we want to see, and believe what we want to believe - and it works.

We lie to ourselves so much that after a while, the lies start to seem like the truth...

We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth... right in front of our faces..."
Heard this while watching Grey's Anatomy 204 - Deny, Deny, Deny today and it hit me. The verity of it.

How often do we do this to ourselves. Deny ourselves the truth because we'd much rather live in the fantasy that we want to see and believe.

I know I live in my own world. So much so, that I tend to not realize which is really the truth and which is my fantasy... so much so that I cannot see the truth most of the time, which scares me.

I was reading about my horoscope yesterday, trying to understand myself and two of my traits is where Pisceans like getting 'lost' and loves mysteries of all guises.

Maybe the fantasy world is something that comes to me naturally. But growing up with non-Pisceans, I have learnt to believe that there is an actual world outside and that there are perceptions.

There was a time where I thought a lot of things were real... but things change.... if not for the worse... the much better :)

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