Saturday, December 26, 2009

Apa dosa ku?

Over a year ago, I went for a play on a Perakean WWII heroine - Sybil

Little did I know then, it was produced by the puppy's mother and little did I know now that the puppy would be acting in the eight-part series on local telly. He plays Han Ah Kow who is an alliance with the Kathigasus which was sent off to Singapore midway because the Japanese were suspecting him, and so Sybil changed his name to Don Juan (just in case). He comes back but is later murdered by the Japanese to get to Sybil.

Dating a celebrity is fun although it tends to get on your nerves quite a bit at times. Anyhoo, followed the puppy on set one day and it was interesting, to be in such a sleepy town and yet wonder, have we lost touch by being that dependent on modernity and technology?
Mahjong neighbors going klakkity klak... klakkity klak... klak... klak all day long
The main road of Papan town... and that's it... I'm not kidding you
Getting into position. This part is based on the Sook Ching Massacre which was also carried out here in Papan, Perak.
Pre-war buildings which are still preserved and used in the Papan folks daily lives
Setting up lightingIt took them a while to get everything set up and all, so I took a walk down an alley from the main road and saw this serene street of homes

The puppy running through his lines with the lead actress who plays Sybil
Aunty Audrey plays Marie Weaver in the series. Here she is in make up and wardrobe
Setting up for the clinic scene
Getting into character
"Cut! Great scene!" said Bernard.


Mel said...

Lemme know once it's screening =)

the ~babygirl® said...

I think it might be showing on ASTRO Citra again... we had to purposely subscribe to that package to watch... then unsubscribe... what a rip off right?

But you can watch the trailer here

Let me know if you can spot him :)