Sunday, December 20, 2009

We'll both throw this out the window

She IM-ed him again. While I was there. So I replied instead of him, with his permission of course and after a bit, she said "Eiihhh menyampah!" and went offline.

I was still pissed. He told me "Baby calm down, it's okay...." so I mustered up all my courage and asked if he wants to know what I want to do because I am so effing pissed right now. He said show me.

I did.

I clicked on her name. Clicked on "Recent Conversations" and saw one convo in the trash. Clicked on it and it was the one where he asked her to come over. He gave her the address. He gave her the directions.

I screamed bloody murder.

Unfair. Yes. This happened before we both said that we'll let it go. But I just had to prove my point. I knew something was happening and I knew something wasn't right but I had no proof. Now I did. And it hurt. Makes me wonder if I was better off not knowing. He kept apologizing. Not that it mattered any more now. The trust is gone.

Either way, glass is shattered. We're both picking up the pieces. Milk has been spilt.

He will tell her to stop because this is affecting his relationship with his girlfriend. He said it's okay I can make new contacts.

I will drop it and never talk about it again.

As I said earlier, I'll hold on to his words for now. Hun I'm sorry, but until I actually feel comfortable, I cannot trust you completely any more. I need you to show me the conversation you've had with her telling her off, because we BOTH came to a compromise. If you cannot show me that you are honoring your word, I cannot show you that I am.

You've done this twice. Threat or no threat, hate or not hate, but this is the last straw.

One more time of twisting my arm and it's over. I don't care if you die, or you OD or you get run down by a car... I don't care. Because you didn't care enough about me....

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