Monday, January 18, 2010

electro.pup wins Best Dance Act at VIMA2010

The day had finally arrived.....


Loads of great performances. Great venue. Great times.

The theme was 'indiecent' so.... this is what I wore :P

Hosts were : C. Loco, Adrea Abdullah and Moe Nasrul

There were plenty of performances -

The Poseidon Connection ft Kraft

Benchmarx with their ever so attention grabbing durian. Man these guys really were the most enthusiastic bunch!

Adi Rani & Juju (all the way from Brunei!!!) with brilliant vocals - esp Juju's

C. Loco with his new tune. Smashing female vocalist doing the background....


Imma focus on the electro.pup though :P

electro.pup with the emcees - C. Loco, Adrea Abdullah and Moe Nasrul

uh oh... a tie with Ze! Can you blame the judges? They're equally awesome!

the babygirl and her award winning electro.pup


Ze! and electro.pup

electro.pup and Siva Chandran - the mastermind of VIMA

So with VIMA 2010 done.... next up - AVIMA 2010!!!


Moe Nasrul said...

what an awesome night that was :D

the ~babygirl® said...
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the ~babygirl® said...

oh yes it was.... great hosts, great performances, great wins!

thanks for dropping by, Moe :)