Thursday, June 12, 2008

reinjecting romance

with all the shit that goes on in my life... I felt that I had to re-inject some romance back into my life. I went to the local bookstore and zoomed straight in the best-sellers rack. I picked up Cecilia Ahern's ps I Love You.

I have heard SO much about the book. Just the other day Len was telling me that she cried her eyes out watching the movie. Angela bought the book 4 years ago and cried reading it. And since usually the book is always better than the movie, I thought why not. So then I bought my first romance/love novel. (Prior to this was mostly fiction - Anne Rice, James Clavell, John Grisham, you get my drift)

I have only reached 2++ pages in the book and so far, it's alright. Not a tear jerker yet... but let's see how it goes. The first few chapters up to the point she receives the 2nd letter from her dead husband was pretty good... after that, now everything seems pretty predictable...

Maybe I've been a skeptic for way too long.......

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