Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blond Moments

I sometimes swear that I am actually blond underneath. Seriously.

I can change a light bulb, in fact I change all the light bulbs in the house. And no, nothing goes short-circuited after I change the bulb(s)

I know how to work a stick shift. And no, the car doesn't stall or blow up or anything like that. In fact I prefer driving a stick shift more than an auto drive. Auto drive always makes me feel like... I'm incompetent or retarded or something. Besides the pick up on an auto drive sucks big time. Not that I'm in a hurry to go anywhere.

But yet again, no matter how modern women are today. Much as they want to deny it, they are still women deep down inside.

Someone used my notebook the other day to check his emails and somehow the wireless down at the cafeteria was protected. Somehow through his non-blondness, he got in.

When I got home, I turned on my notebook to finish up some work and sure enough, the wireless just refused to work. The LEDs were lit and blinking. A little convo bubble even popped up telling me that I'm connected and the reception is "Excellent" but nothing could go through.

Being the blond that I am, immediately I panicked and called him up and asked (well demanded would be a more appropriate term but then let's not go there) "What on earth did you do to my wireless?!?! I can't go online and I've got a deadline today!!!"

I found out 5 mins after we hung up that it was my modem acting up and he did not do anything to my notebook.

Then he texted me past midnight, and since I was half asleep I decided to call him instead of texting him. So I checked the time stamp on his text before I called him and it said 2.26am.

Being the blond that I am, I asked him "What time is it?" and he fumbled for a bit and said "It's 1.30am" and I mumbled something else, and he said "You know what, just go to sleep... okay?"

So we hung up... then I checked the time stamp on the phone convo and it was written 2.28am so I texted him
"Liar :P It's way past 1.30"
"Well my watch said it was close to 1.30 when you called me,"

Then it occurred to me to check my watch. Turns out the clock on my cell phone was an hour ahead of local time HAHAHA

"Sorry... blond moment again, my cell's clock is an hour ahead.... hahaha,"
"Haha keep blaming me, it's okay. I can accept it,"

Geez... two blond moments in the same day with the same person.... gahh!!!!!

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