Friday, May 29, 2009


Ignorance is bliss. I've decided to make that my mantra this year... and not make a fuss outta things.

He forgot that it's the eighth month. I know for most guys these teeny things don't really matter but for us girls, it does.

Usually when it's an annivesary, I'll wish him in the morning. This time, I didn't mention anything on purpose... just to see if he'd remember.

Much as I had expected. He was oblivious to what the date/day was.

He formatted his PC - Chimaira... and then Chimaira was giving him problems the whole day up till night time.

So at 11-ish I got into bed and somehow fell asleep. He climbed in much later and snuggled in with me. I poked him on the chest and grunted. "Why baby?" I grunted, poked his chest again and mumbled... "You forgot..."


"Happy belated 8th month hun..." and I can't remember what else happened after that... I must have snoozed off REALLY fast... hahaha

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eight months today...

I know a lot of people are thinking "Eight months? Seriously?"

I know a handful of people are even surprised that we made it this far. Frankly, I'm surprised myself... but more pleased. It really just feels like a month ago that we've moved in together.

The past eight months have been a whole exciting journey discovering one another (well at least for me it was). Living with the pup for over five months now and he has been the best housemate, roomie, best friend and boyfriend.

So it's been eight full months today that we have officially spent our lives together.

Here's to you hun, heard this on the radio with you in the car the other day... and the lyrics say it all... I love you

Plain White T's - 1,2,3,4

1, 2 - 1 2 3 4
Give me more lovin’ then I’ve ever had
Make it all better when I’m feelin’ sad
Tell me that I’m special even when I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely gettin’ mad,
I’m so glad I found you
I love bein’ around you
You make it easy, as easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)
There’s only one thing two do three words four you
I love you.(I love you)
There’s only one way two say those three words and that's what I’ll do
I love you (I love you)
Give me more lovin’ from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Best that I’ve had.I’m so glad that I found you
I love bein’ around you
You make it easy as easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)
There’s only one thing two do three words four you
I love you (I love you)
There’s only one way two say those three words and that's what I’ll do
I love you
I love you (I love you)
You make it easy, its easy as 1234
There’s only one thing two do three words four you
I love you (I love you)
There’s only one way two say those three words that’s what I'll do
I love you (I love you)
I love you I love you
One two three four
I love you (I love you)
I love you (I love you)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dragon Ash - 静かな日々の階段を

One of my favorite songs...

草木は緑 花は咲き誇り色とりどり
用もないのにただ 並木通り 思う今一人
ハーフタイムなんてなしに過ぎる日常 俺もなんとかここで一応
やりくりしてるわけで 時にはなりふり構わず生きよう
むかえる朝 変わらずにまだ 陽はまたのぼりくりかえしてゆく
窓の外は南風 洗い流してこの胸の痛みまで
過ぎ去りし日々の涙 時がやがて無意識の中連れ去るのなら
大事なのは光だけ あともう少しここにいたいだけ

We go every day 行こう笑みで
光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目指すように
We go every day 行こう笑みで
花瓶に水を差すように ねがいよかないますように

季節はずれのこの雨が ぼかした表情とその涙
降り止まないうちにGerra すかした顔してフッと笑ってな
てな具合で進むそっこうOne week つかれた体でそっとOne drink
つどう先は仲間たち いつものように夜通しバカ話
こんな日々が終わらないように 羽根広げはばたく鳥のように
みんな必死なんだ 負けんな いねぇぜピンチランナー
あざけ笑う奴を尻目に つかめ描いた夢にぎった手に
雨上がりの流れ星 ねがいをかけて さあ上がれ同志

We go every day 行こう笑みで
光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目指すように
We go every day 行こう笑みで
花瓶に水を差すように ねがいよかないますように

なんとなく携帯の電源オフり 耳すます雑踏の全然奥に
聞こえるだろ風の声 流れ流れて今度は何故何処へ
しらじらしくも聞いたりなんかして 自分の未来重ねたり

何か言ってもらいたいのは同じ気持ち 擦り減らす掛け替えのない命
幼い頃の夢ダブらして 鏡の前で朝歯ブラシで
みがく時もまたアホ顔して 家を出るそんな日々暮らして
夜を待つのはもうやめよう 休んでもいいさ力溜めよう
静かに時を刻む街 夢託し俺らがつなぐアーチ

We go every day 行こう笑みで

風がやんだ空の真下 みずからの手でつかむ明日

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Let's Talk About Being Pissy

I admit that I haven't in the best of moods these days (I blame it on hormones mostly... and on work). I've been so busy at work that I stay in till about 8 at night at times... and I've been traveling so much for work that I'm practically living out of a suitcase.

I'm a rather sensitive/emotional person and little stuff that floats by will rock my boat and I don't mean it in a good way. I do try to control and not let it ruin my life though.

This morning I was having a rather heated convo with the pup about so some things in society are so 'clique' and to penetrate that part of society, we will have to conform to them because there are certain things that the society just WILL NOT accept because YOU are different, and if that doesn't suck... you'll have to kiss major ass to get acceptance just because they have the 'power'

He was very worked up about it because he's in that situation right now.... and right before he left... he sent me this....

Pup : i'm just pissy coz everything around me seems

even you
i'm late for uni
catch you later hun

I was rather pissy last night. Ignored him quite a bit. Well, not really ignored ignore. I was just less responsive. He was working on his assignment after dinner last night. So I did my own thing. What irked me was his assignment. I know I'm supposed to be supportive of his works. But it irks the hell outta me that he's reworking this song he produced with his ex yonks ago for his assignment.

What is the big deal you're asking?

The big deal is, I'm listening to this song which him and his ex produced AND she (whom by the way went to school with me) composed, wrote the lyrics and did the vocals for... over and over again. It annoys the shit outta me.

It fucking annoys the shit out of me.

But what can I say? What can I do? Tell him to stop? Tell him it annoys me?

Tit for tat you say? Give him a taste of his own medicine? Imagine me rewriting something me and my ex did yonks ago. Oh no wait. There's a difference. HE CAN'T HEAR MY THOUGHTS but I can very damn well hear his music.

This is for his uni assignment.

This is for his career advancement.

This is so that he will become a better producer.

And I do want him to be a better producer.

And if it's not the worst part, the melody is pretty nice and a tad catchy.

So if you wanna know why I was all irked last night. This is why.

I'm not the petty revengeful kind. I sit. I let it fester. And I dig that box out from the ground and put my grieviences in there... again.

AND I'm not that all pissy at you. I'm more pissed at myself because I'm allowing myself to be negative.

But at the end of it all, thank you... for not being pissy at me.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Walking After You

I had to drive back to Ipoh alone today for Mother's Day weekend... so I left the house about 9-ish after dinner with Colin. It felt rather odd driving home alone. I didn't really want to come home in a way because I've been having quite a few hectic months at work, been traveling quite a bit.

At 9.45pm, Colin texts me "Tune in to Fly FM now please..." so when I did, I heard Basil on, so my first instinct was that he was finally getting airtime! After a few texts back and forth, turns out he requested for a song and he said it's not something that's normally played on radio. Silly me expected a dance song.

That went on ALL the way until I reached home (at 11pm) the radio station didn't play his song. So I called "Hun... I'm already home........ what did you ask for?!?" and he said that the DJ will play it at 11.17pm and that he complained to the DJ asking wtf was taking so long because I had already reached home.

He dedicated this... on national radio to me... <3

I've embedded it on the right panel. If you're not into the mushy type of stuff or you're just plain cynical, don't bother :P I'm just so flustered and speechless right now

Foo Fighters - Walking After You
Tonight I'm tangled in my blanket of clouds
Dreaming aloud
Things just wont do without you, matter of fact
I'm on your back, I'm on your back, I'm on your back

If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you

If you'd accept surrender, I'll give up some more
Weren't you adored I cannot be without you, matter of fact
I'm on your back, I'm on your back, I'm on your back

If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you

Another heart is cracked in two, I'm on your back
I cannot be without you, matter of fact
I'm on your back, I'm on your back, I'm on your back

If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you
If you walk out on me, I'm walking after you

Another heart is cracked in two, I'm on your back