Friday, May 29, 2009


Ignorance is bliss. I've decided to make that my mantra this year... and not make a fuss outta things.

He forgot that it's the eighth month. I know for most guys these teeny things don't really matter but for us girls, it does.

Usually when it's an annivesary, I'll wish him in the morning. This time, I didn't mention anything on purpose... just to see if he'd remember.

Much as I had expected. He was oblivious to what the date/day was.

He formatted his PC - Chimaira... and then Chimaira was giving him problems the whole day up till night time.

So at 11-ish I got into bed and somehow fell asleep. He climbed in much later and snuggled in with me. I poked him on the chest and grunted. "Why baby?" I grunted, poked his chest again and mumbled... "You forgot..."


"Happy belated 8th month hun..." and I can't remember what else happened after that... I must have snoozed off REALLY fast... hahaha

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