Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Indie Aid Japan

In the spirit of helping, come support Indie Aid Asia and help raise more funds for Japan!

Indie Aid Japan is a 28 track, digital download compilation album. It's a collaborative effort between artists - some who are accomplished and award winning, the others who are bedroom and garage musicians from all around the world to help the tsunami victims of Japan!!!

It only costs USD6 (that's roughly 20MYR) which is WAY cheaper than a regular CD... plus you'll really be helping out these indie artists in getting their sound out.

Oh and if you're feeling generous, you can donate more too! :)

If not, you could always just take a listen - it's free anyways... and then help spread the news!

p/s: puppy's track is listed there too!!! Let me know if you can spot it :P

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