Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Control Animal Homelessness!

Tomorrow (13th Jan) at noon, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) will be handing out leaflets dressed as giant condoms and holding heart-shaped signs to help Malaysians brush up on their ABCs - Animal Birth Control.

Join them and help spread the word. It's in front of Gloria Jeans on Bukit Bintang near the intersection.

I'd go if I could but well, obviously I can't. But it's something I campaign for too - responsible pet ownership. I think it's irresponsible to allow your pets to breed IF you don't have a backup plan for the babies. You know why? Because these little fellas are often abandoned at a vet's clinic, an animal shelter IN HOPE to get a good owner or even worse, left on the streets to fend for themselves.

Much as your pet may seem as 'human' as possible, they're still animals at the end of the day. Spaying or neutering not only prevents unnecessary baby animals but it's also healthier for your pet. Because after the procedure, they have a reduced risk of developing reproductive cancers AND they won't go around accidentally contracting some sort of animal STDs.

Laugh, I know it's funny, but it does happen and don't come crying when it does.

Prevention is better than cure.

For more info, check of PETA Asia Pacific.

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