Monday, December 21, 2009


I know a lot of people don't think too much of their dreams. I do. I believe dreams are something that your subconscious mind is thinking about and is probably trying to tell you.

My dreams this year have been rather prophetic... giving me epiphanies... insights that I've never noticed in real life that I never realized.

You know it's like how sometimes we keep looking at the big picture so much so that we forget about the smaller details that sometimes seem minute but are a big deal? My dreams help me fill in the smaller details so that my big picture will be alright.

The last two nights in a row I have had... dreams that have gotten me thinking. Dreams that wake me up in the middle of the night and dreams that don't make me want to go back to sleep in fear of continuing and finding out what I don't need to know.

The scary part is, 9 out of 10 dreams have materialized.

I'm actually scared to fall asleep these days because I don't want to know. I want to stay ignorant because knowing is eating me alive.

My dreams and me are going through a very Catch-22 situation right now.

Never mind. It's the end of the decade. I'm going to put all that in the past and start the year afresh.

I'm going to end the decade by binding all the bad and negative thoughts and attracting all the great ones because I know deep down it will be a great 2010! :)

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