Sunday, June 20, 2010

Baroness Schraeder

I remember watching classic musicals like The Sound of Music, Oliver! and The King and I with my grandmother all the time and we'd sing along and dance to it.

I never realized it until I saw The Sound of Music again recently, that how much of my choices of things were influenced by movies that I saw when I was a child.

I loved the Baroness' dress during the dinner party. Well of course since Maria wore a really simple dress made it look even nicer! But it was always the fact (that as a child) she wasn't the best person in the movie. She was always in Maria's way.

But when I saw her in that dress... I realized, why I choose a certain type of style whenever I can. Of course she looks MUCH better in it and I don't have the same body type... but a girl can dream, can't she :)

Just look at that big bow thingie on her shoulder and the shimmery dress! Ohh... if only :)

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